Virus and malware protection software.
Last update: Sat, Oct 5th 2024, 3:07 pm
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It is a program that performs a comprehensive scan of the computer, deletes files that the system stores, frees up a large amount of space, and speeds up Windows performance.
- OS: Windows10/11
- Architecture:x64 64 bit
- language:English, Chinese
Kaspersky Internet Security
This is Kaspersky Antivirus. It won't be the latest, but this is the one that's most compatible with screen readers. Restoring it for the trial period is simple.
- Version:
- Update_date:2020
- OS: windows.
- Architecture:32&64bit.
- language:English
Kaspersky Tweak Assistant
This tool has the function of restoring the trial period for all Kaspersky protection programs. Note: The password to decrypt the file is Bambang.
- Version: v23.1.30.0
- OS: windows
Avira Free Antivirus
Free virus scanning software.
- OS: Windows
- language:English
SUPER Anti Spyware Professional
This program scans your system for any kind of malicious programs that can cause harm to your computer.
Although you can also choose to check only in certain folders and drives.
- Version: 8.0.1038
- OS: Windows
- language:English
A simple tool that searches for and deletes the Shortcut virus.
- OS: Windows
A program that has many tasks, but its most important feature is to protect the computer from the dangers of USB external storage units.
- OS: Windows
- language:English
malwarebytes ONLINE installer
Tool to install malwarebytes online.
- OS: Windows
avast_ONLINE installer
Online avast installer.
- OS: Windows