Screen Readers
Screen reader programs.
Last update: Thu, Sep 12th 2024, 2:00 am
Add a link to this categoryNvda
Free and open source screen reader for Windows, official version.
- Version: 2024.3
- Update_date:Monday 19 August 2024
- OS: Windows
- language:Arabic, English, French, and more
A stable version with windows7 users.
- Version: 2017.3
- OS: Windows 7
- language:Arabic, English, French, and more
NVDA Portable Full Version contains Arabic, English, Italian, Spanish, German, Turkish and Russian languages
- Version: 7.0
- Update_date:13-5-2023
- OS: Windows
- language:Arabic, English, French, and more
NVDA Lite version contains the voices Laila - Salma - Heather.
- Version: 7.0
- Update_date:13-5-2023
- OS: Windows
- language:Arabic, English, French, and more
nvda version without any voices.
- Version: 7.0
- Update_date:13-5-2023
- OS: Windows
- language:Arabic, English, French, and more
A portable NVDA package containing leila and heather voice from Acapela Infovox3 and Voice from Vocalizer.
- Version: 7.0
- OS: Windows
- language:Arabic, English, and more
NVDA portable by kafiftecny
Nvda version portable version with leila arabic with heather american english, a stable version with windows7 users.
- Version: 2017.3
- OS: Windows7
- language:Arabic, English, French, and more
NBInfovox3, a tool created by Nacer Baaziz, allows you to activate any Infovox3 Text-to-Speech (TTS) on your PC permanently. It also offers the functionality of automatically launching the tool before initiating any screen reader and automatically launching the Infovox3 machine in secure screens.
- Version: 1.0.0
- Update_date:2019
- OS: windows
- Architecture:x86 and x64
- language:arabic
This is the latest version of jaws2024 screen reader
- Version: 2024.2409.2
- Update_date:September 2024
- OS: windows10/11
- Architecture:64Bit
- language:Arabic, English, and more
crack for jaws2023و2024
Jaws 2023و2024 activation file, copy the dll files to the program path on your device.
- OS: Windows10,windows11
jaws online installer.
This jaws screen reader requires an internet connection during installation.
- Version: 2024.2406.121
- Update_date:July 2024
- OS: windows11 10
- Architecture:64bit
- language:arabic, english, and more
Jaws automatic install
This version of the Jaws program is installed and activated in a silent installation.
- Version: 2022.2110.36.400
- OS: Windows 10/11
- Architecture:X64 64BitX86 32Bit
- language:English
Jaws InfovoxSilent
This is the version of Jaws, a silent installation and activation for Windows 7 users.
- Version: 17
- OS: Windows 7
- language:English
JAWS Scripts For Unigram
This is a jaws screen reader script that improves unigram support
- OS: Windows10/11
Custom JAWS Scripts For GoldWave
This is a jaws screen reader script that improves gold wave audio engineering support.
- Version: 36
- Update_date:May 22, 2022,
- OS: windows
- language:English
This is a Skype script for jaws screen reader
- Version: none
- Update_date:none
- OS: windows
JAWS Scripts For VLC Media Player
This is a script to work with VLC player with Jaws screen reader.
- Version: none
- Update_date:none
- OS: windows
jaws scripts for youtube
This script allows you to interact with the YouTube website through quick navigation keys.
- OS: windows11 10
JGauge Progress Bar Monitoring Scripts For JAWS
This jaws screen reader script gives you a sound in any progress bar.
- Version:
- Update_date:April 9, 2019
- OS: windows
- Architecture:32-64bit
- language:english